Tarot Reading of the Week: 6/8/2020 – 6/15/2020

DISCLAIMER: As always, everything presented here is for entertainment and semi-educational purposes only.  Please do not mistake this for mental health therapy or advice.  If you need mental health counseling or treatment, please contact your insurance company, local college’s student counseling clinic, county crisis line, or the Psychology Today Portal.

If you want a running list of COVID-19 resources and news, check out my list here.  Also, check out this running list of disaster hotlines by state.  **I have quite a few articles for the news and resources page, but way too much is else calling my attention right now.  Sorry to be so slow.

One more week, seven days closer to figuring out your New Normal (™).  I put these self-care tips and videos before the weekly reading as a sort of meditation.  Consider it a blueprint for your New Normal (™).  You probably know how I feel by now, but here’s the gist of my logic:

  • The last four years have brought out the absolute worst in people.  I think we were looking at the beginnings of this in 2015, maybe even late 2014, but that’s another story.  No matter when it started, I’m pretty sure we were aware racism and entitlement existed in the Before Trump Era (™).  I think you probably knew at least one person who was seething with resentment, whether it be in the form of everyday microaggressions or full-on nastiness at holiday dinners.  And you also probably knew at least one #WOKE liberal who took the victim stance to justify their own subverted rage and privilege.  Hell, you’ve probably been one of these people at least once in your life (and probably on social media).  Not only do we kind of suck, but none of us were ever filled with love and light.  Are we really this fucking surprised by the protests?
  • We have another chance to try something new.  Ruby Bridges, the first black child allowed in a white school, is only 65-years-old.  American women got the right to vote only a hundred years ago this August.  There’s a very real chance that some of the boomers who lived through the tail end of the civil rights movement in the 1960’s are some of the same people who casually slung racial slurs at Obama throughout his presidency.  And now here we are again.  Will we learn from it?  Which lessons do you want to incorporate into your New Normal (™)?
  • We can stop being so fucking superficial now.  I make affectionate jokes about virtue signalling because there are several harmless forms of it.  I try to keep the ones I engage in harmless, at any rate.  However, there’s a lot of virtue shaming that happens.  “OMG, how can you post about animal abuse when everyone’s worried about the coronavirus?!”  We all know those members of the Privilege Police (™) that like to get on you for not being positive enough, sensitive enough, or just decide to pounce on your opinions because they’re having a bad day.  They exist in all sociopolitical flavors—conservative vanilla, anti-vaxxer berry, millennial rocky road, religious ripple, liberal sorbet, and gun-toting libertarian chip.  Fuck all of them because it’s pure ego.
  • Focus on the next right thing, rather than suffocating your karma with others’ emotional baggage.  You can really only deal with yourself, but being open to feedback is good for you.  A good rule of thumb is to find one or two valid points in someone else’s opinion and throw the rest in the recycle bin.

But you probably only came here for the reading.  That’s fair.  Before we get to it, I have to mention the MindBody/Wellness Research and Science Network group on Facebook.  The chick who runs it takes an evidence-based approach to holistic topics.  She posts a lot of cool yoga livestreams too.  Oh, and I had no idea karma yoga was a thing.  Check it out:

Aaaannnnyyyyhoo, Onto the Reading, Shall We….?

I asked the cards what we need to know about the week of 6/8/20 – 6/15/20:  Five of Wands (number 5, competition, possibly jealousy, aggression, posturing, challenges, possibly defensiveness, the need to usually prove oneself, and needing to prove one’s point); Knight of Wands (fire sign male, intensity, impatient person, emotional or rash decisions, focused on personal freedom, increased energy, and action); Ace of Wands (number 1 or 11, new energy, new projects, creativity, the need to make dreams a reality, new life, and possibly optimism); and the Emperor (number 4, the need for discipline in some area of life, control issues, “daddy issues,” a warning against being too rigid or overbearing, the need to take charge of one’s life, a warning against taking oneself too seriously, and the need to get organized).  The energy surrounding this reading is somewhere between yikes and double yikes.  This spread is Yikes 1.5 for a couple reasons.  First, all of the Minor Arcana cards—the Five of Wands, the Ace of Wands, and the lone court card—are all of the Wands suit.  Wands signify action, fire, and possibly conflict.  The second reason this spread is Yikes 1.5 is because the one Major Arcana card is the Emperor, which is the ultimate control freak card of the tarot.  The spread starts with the action-packed Five of Wands, which is a card of possible aggression and jealousy.  If that weren’t enough, the Five is next to the Knight of Wands.  This Knight is a hothead.  He gets triggered easily and acts on it.  My feeling about these two cards is someone in a work, family, or school situation who has already taken a mild disliking to you will expose themselves as a bit of a dick this week.  It feels like this exposed jackass was someone you couldn’t be bothered with before, which may be part of the reason they feel so comfortable either undermining you or making a sideways comment.  It feels like it will be to your face, rather than gossip or backstabbing.  It’s a comment or action that you would ordinarily blow off, but something about it triggers the fuck out of you this week.  Remember when I said Wands are action-oriented?  This tells me although you should refrain from beating this person to a pulp, you shouldn’t completely blow off this incident either.  I don’t feel like the person who throws the gauntlet is a major threat.  If they were a poison, they’d be Frenemy Lite.  They’re just poisonous enough to give you a rash and maybe the runs, but nothing avoidance or a little Benadryl can’t fix.  I feel like you know this, which tells me being triggered by them is a call to action for you.  The final two cards—the Ace of Wands and the Emperor—support this interpretation.  The Ace of Wands represents a surge of energy, the creative spark, and a call to action.  This tells me using this incident as inspiration to do something new—such as getting the fuck out of there, working out to control your free-floating anxiety, rethinking your boundaries, or doing that creative project you’ve been toying with—rather than catching an assault charge.  The Emperor is a double-edged discipline card.  On one hand, it represents having the self-discipline to affect positive change.  On the other hand, it represents self-denial, being punitive, and controlling others with rigid rules and emotional abuse.  I consider the Emperor a warning in this spread.  You will be filled with a lot of energy due to righteous indignation and just being over the bullshit.  However, you have a choice as to how you will direct that energy and this choice will color the next 90 days of your life.  I say use that energy for your own self-improvement, regardless of what that looks like.  

For those of you who may need a little more this week, I asked the Doreen Virtue Angel Tarot Deck for the mantra for a week.  The definition of mantra for my nefarious purposes is: a present-tense statement that you can repeat to yourself during times of anxiety, sadness, or uncertainty.  It’s not an affirmation because the phrasing is more pragmatic and neutral, than overtly positive.  Here’s what I got:

The Card:  The Hermit

Meaning:  Number 9, Archangel Raziel, meditation and self-reflection, spiritual teachings, self-discovery, past life memories, good advice, a mentor, rethinking one’s plans, and teaching.


  • I allow myself the space to be alone with my thoughts.
  • I allow myself to internalize the lessons I need, but let go of what doesn’t serve me.
  • I give myself permission to improve my mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.
  • I allow people the freedom to have their own opinions, while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
  • I maintain my integrity in the face of criticism, but am open to feedback.
  • I take appropriate actions when needed.
  • I maintain my boundaries without harming the boundaries of others.
  • I am open to learning more about myself.
  • I take small steps towards my goals every day.


If you’re looking for an inspirational poem on finding your place in the world amongst a million ghosts, check out Joan Carol Bird’s latest.  Hey, sharing is caring.  

For those of you who can’t resist a little subtle virtue signalling, why not give to those sweet little animals in Australia?  Funko Pop is releasing a limited edition figure to support the animals hurt in the Australian wildfires.  Arm the Animals is also selling shirts to benefit the animals hurt in the fires.  You can get those here. 

If beanies or water bottles are more your style, check out the Piper Lou collection.  Proceeds from select items benefit the Australian Red Cross. You can see for yourself right here.  Or you can take the more direct route through GreaterGood.com


P.S.  I managed to publish the first part of my first novel a few months ago!!  I’m excited and want to share it with you. Check out Water Torture Part One: Have You Checked the Children? Here.  Please read and review it.  Thank you!!


Did you like my buddy Marshall Delaware, aka G. G. MacLeod?  Check out our latest political feature.  He’s coming back to impart a little more of his relationship wisdom, FYI.  If you want to read an awesome historical fiction novel, you can get your hands on his book here.  It may take place in Ancient Rome, but Augusta couldn’t be any more timely if it tried.  He actually dropped Part Two a while ago and most recently gifted the world with Part Three.  I think you should go get it, Tiger!


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